Common Problems

When a person's teeth or jaws do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment becomes the key to resolving this issue. Malocclusions, as these orthodontic problems are commonly known, can lead to various complications if left unattended. These include speech difficulties that may affect one's ability to communicate clearly and confidently.

Malocclusions can also result in premature wear of the teeth and protective enamel, which could further compromise oral health. Additionally, they increase the risk of injuries to both the teeth and jaw joints during accidents or even regular activities like eating. Hence, seeking timely orthodontic intervention is crucial for preventing such discomforts and maintaining optimal dental well-being.



One condition that may require an orthodontic treatment is an underbite. An underbite occurs when the lower jaw protrudes further forward than the upper jaw, causing the bottom teeth to overlap the top teeth. This misalignment can lead to various oral health issues and aesthetic concerns. 



A crossbite is a dental condition where the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth, causing a misalignment of the jaw. It can result in discomfort while chewing and may even lead to speech difficulties. This dental issue typically arises due to genetics or abnormal tooth eruption patterns.

Upper Front Teeth Protrusion


Upper front teeth protrusion, also known as "buck teeth" or dental overjet, is a common orthodontic issue where the upper front teeth extend significantly forward compared to the lower teeth. This condition can affect both children and adults and may have various causes and treatment options.



An overbite is a dental condition where the upper front teeth significantly overlap the lower front teeth when biting down. This misalignment occurs due to various reasons such as genetics, thumb-sucking habits during childhood, or prolonged use of pacifiers. 



Crowding is a common dental issue that may require orthodontic treatment. It occurs when there is not enough space in the mouth for all the teeth to fit properly. This can lead to overlapping or twisted teeth, making it difficult to clean them effectively. 



Spacing refers to gaps or spaces between teeth. While some people may find these gaps endearing, they can actually indicate a need for orthodontic treatment. Spacing issues can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, missing teeth, or small-sized teeth in relation to jaw size. 

Open Bite


Open bite is a dental condition that occurs when the upper and lower front teeth don't meet properly, leaving a visible gap between them even when the jaws are closed. This issue can be caused by thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged use of pacifiers during early childhood development. 

Dental Midlines Not Matched


Dental midlines refer to an imaginary line that can be drawn between the two upper front teeth and the two lower front teeth, essentially dividing the mouth into left and right halves. When these midlines do not align properly, it can affect both aesthetics and functionality of your teeth.

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San Jose, CA

827 Blossom Hill Rd., Suite E2, San Jose, CA 95123


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