Invisalign in San Jose, CA

Invisalign in San Jose, CA

Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without using metal braces. Instead, it uses a series of clear aligners custom-made for each patient’s smile. These aligners are removable and virtually invisible, so patients can wear them without anyone noticing.

At Rafati Orthodontics, we have these aligners made from BPA-free plastic. Each set of aligners is designed to move the teeth slightly closer to their ideal positions and thus have to be worn for about two weeks. After that period, patients then switch to the next set in the series.

Treatment time varies based on each patient’s needs, but the average is about one year for adults and about two years for teens.

Common Dental Issues That Invisalign Can Correct

  • Crowding

Invisalign can gradually shift crowded teeth into proper alignment, creating space and reducing overlapping.

  • Spacing

Gaps between teeth can be closed using Invisalign by Dr. Rafati, helping to achieve a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

  • Overbite

Invisalign can correct an overbite by moving the upper teeth back and the lower teeth forward, achieving a better bite alignment.

    • Crossbite

    Invisalign treats crossbite, where some upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth. This issue can cause misalignment and jaw discomfort if left untreated.

      • Mild to Moderate Bite Irregularities

      Invisalign can correct bite irregularities, including deep bites and mild overjets, improving function and appearance.

      The Benefits of Invisalign


      Invisalign in San Jose, CA, uses a series of clear plastic aligners to straighten your teeth over time gradually. These clear braces have no metal parts that could scratch the inside of your mouth, making them comfortable to use.

      Easily Removable

      Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without metal braces. The system uses a series of custom-made, clear, plastic aligners to fit your teeth. These aligners are removable and can be taken out to eat, drink, brush, and floss, so you don’t have to worry about them getting in the way of your daily life. You can eat what you want and brush and floss normally without worrying about food getting stuck in your brackets or wires. Unlike traditional braces, there are no food restrictions with Invisalign.

      Invisalign may be the perfect solution if you’re looking for a way to straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Contact Rafati Orthodontics, orthodontist in San Jose, CA. Locate them at 827 Blossom Hill Rd., Suite E2, San Jose, CA 95123, or call 408-226-1234 to see if Invisalign is right for you.

      Visit Our Office

      San Jose, CA

      827 Blossom Hill Rd., Suite E2, San Jose, CA 95123


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      Office Hours

      • MON - THU10:00 am - 6:00 pm
      • FRI - SUNClosed
      (408) 226-1234